QUESTION: Alaje, I have so many questions for you. I have come to the realization that all the thoughts that I observe come all by themselves, and therefore all actions come by themselves also. My question is: If thoughts come all by themselves then wouldn't the idea that we can consciously change our thoughts and actions be nothing but an illusion? Also is there another form of "thought" that is not linear like the thoughts that I am familiar with? If so can one only experience this form of thought from a higher density perspective than the current 3rd density perspective I am observing? also.. please tell me about the coming harvest. .... and the most important question I have is: What is the best way that I can be of service to others? Is my enlightenment the greatest thing I can offer to humanity?
ANSWER: Thoughts do not come by themselves. Nothing comes by itself. The cause of Everything is cosmic energy. Thoughts are Energy. Everybody is receiving and sending thoughts all the time. Everybody is creating Thoughts all the time. All the souls are sending thought-energy all the time telepathicaly. Like I say in my Videos, the best way to be of service to others is to give LOVE Energy, to help others to evolve.