COMMENT: 1)Dear Alaje Thanks a lot for taking the time for replying to all of our queries During the last few months as many of you Ive devoted enough time doing research about Alex Collier, Billie Maier, Robert Milles and other contactees. Fortunately I came to realise that I was becoming obsessed with topics such as Secret Governments, Abductions, Reptilians and other negative- low frequency information, which was driving me nowhere but actually making me worried about things we can't control.

2) Therefore I was already generating low frequencies. However, this research on the other hand helped me to also realise that what really matters (as Alaje is telling us on his videos) is for us to focus on our inner spiritual development. When we meditate we receive wisdom from the universe, which goes directly to our hearts. Our breathing also help us by attracting positive energy form the universe. We all can mediate and breath deeply several times a day. This helps us to synchronise to our frequency of that of the universe.

3) When we listen to our intuition and compare its information to the one coming from our minds we realise that our intuition aims for our good. Our minds and egos have accumulated plenty of beliefs from our society, religions, media, education systems, media, etc. When we are worried or scared we generate low frequencies and lose our intuition and therefore we start generating low frequencies. Our soul on the other hand stores wisdom from previous lives and from the universe, which generate positive vibrations and high frequencies. As Alaje says we are attracting people and situations on our daily lives and we only need to listen to our inner voice and soul when we experiencing these situations in order to learn from them.

4)As geodel29 and johannlps say is time for us to help this world to change. I believe that one way is by leading by example and helping others without expecting anything in return. When doing your meditations please take few seconds to repeat this affirmation: The universe consolidates its energy and brings true love and peace to this world I hope this helps My Love and gratitude to you all P.S. Be patient things will happen the time is right. We only need to sync to the wise flow of the universe.

REPLY: topocum, you got it :-)